Small Business Health Plans in Virginia Beach, VA

The Sholar Agency, Inc. is a family-owned insurance business that has been serving the community for over 30 years. That’s why you can take our word for it when we say that how well you treat your employees is going to have a huge impact on how well your business can run, and for how long.

Individual insurance plans for employees don’t tend to be the priority of some small businesses, mostly because their mindset is that they are but a small business, anyway. As we’ve seen in our decades of experience, however, this small business mindset could be the very obstacle keeping your business from growing.

Employees working for any organization do not simply look for a job that will allow them to survive paycheck to paycheck. Those looking for long-term stability will also be looking at the other benefits offered by the company, like medical insurance. It doesn’t seem all that extravagant or appealing, but having health, life, disability, dental, vision, and other insurance benefits on the table make any company all the more desirable.

We’re Your Employee Benefits Advisor

You can count on The Sholar Agency, Inc. to be your credible and trustworthy employee benefits advisor. Our knowledge and experience relating to small business health insurance plans, among others, make us a good, reliable resource for your business needs.

We specialize in Professional Employer Organization (PEO), small business profitability and compliance, HR employee benefits, workers’ comp, payroll, human resources, and risk management.

Employee Benefits Advisor

Maximize Productivity

With our help, you can maximize employee productivity, thereby increasing profitability. As your benefits consultant, we can help you lower labor costs, save time in managing workers’ comp claims, and reduce employment-related liability.

Let Us Help You

We are looking forward to helping your business maximize its potential by finding ways to improve employee satisfaction, productivity, and loyalty. Give us a call at (757) 490-4848 so we can get started on making your small business the most desirable for employees.

Or you can also drop by for a visit at our office at 4608 Westgrove Ct Haygood, Executive Park, Virginia Beach, VA 23455.

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